The boar spawns when a monarch approaches the boar den, and once provoked, will begin to charge down the player, forcing them to retreat. The interaction between decaying buildings/subjects is untested (does everything decay at once, or does one thing need to decay for the next to start counting down its resistance days?).īoarThe boar is a special animal that can only be found during winter, and once killed will not spawn again until the next winter.
Each lighthouse upgrade provides extra “resistance days” to every wall and archer on the island (see Lighthouses under section III-I. The other way that an island can be protected from decay is through the construction of a lighthouse. A table of these “resistance days” can be found below. Each wall and archer have a resistance to the effects of decay, preserving them for a number of days before they actually decay. There are only two parts of your kingdom that are affected by decay: walls and archers (note: decay effects are untested on squires). This means that the effects of decay become more severe as time passes, so it is recommended that monarchs return to previous islands occasionally to keep them from decaying too much. If stolen, gems can only be recovered by destroying the cliff portal on the island where they were stolen.ĭecayFor every day that the monarch is not present on an island that has already been visited, that island will experience a day’s worth of decay.

There are a limited amount of gems that can be obtained per save file, so be cautious about losing them. Once something has been bought with gems, it is permanently unlocked for that save file if the player gets a game over, they can re-purchase anything they had already unlocked with gems by paying with coins instead. They can be stolen by greed, but if knocked out of your bag, they will never randomly fall into the water, unlike coins. When attacked, gems will only be knocked out of your bag once you run out of coins, and can only be dropped on the ground if you have no coins in your bag. Gems are stored in the same bag as coins, but take up much more space. Gems are the secondary currency of the game, and are required to activate special structures. In order to share coins with your partner, you must drop your coins on the ground for your partner to pick them up. In multiplayer, coins are not shared each monarch has their own coin bag. Any coins that overflow out of your bag will automatically either be dropped on the ground or discarded into the water with a 50/50 chance. There are many different ways that you can find coins, but you can only hold a limited amount in your bag before it overflows. If all active monarchs lose their crowns, you lose the game.Ĭoins are the primary currency of the game, and are required to hire subjects, build defenses, and progress in general. The monarch that still has a crown will then have the option to craft their partner a new crown by paying them 8 coins. A crown-less monarch may still pick up and drop coins as normal, but will be unable to purchase anything. If it falls into the ocean or is successfully stolen by an enemy, you will have lost that crown. If you get hit when you have no coins, your crown will get knocked off of your head. Be warned, you have no invulnerability period after being hit. If your monarch is hit by an enemy, you will lose a number of coins proportional to the attack. The longer you survive, the harder it gets. The game runs on a day and night cycle, where you build and expand during the day, and defend the onslaught of enemies at night. If held down while walking, you start running.
The next update has arrived! The game now has a new biome: Dead Lands, featuring tons of new content to explore! Winter update is here! I will be working to update the guide accordingly, so now is a great time to post any new information that should be included! Here are the update notes: While grammar isn’t absolutely necessary, please try to word your comments in a way that is understandable, so that the information is not misinterpreted. Then, leave a comment of your findings down in the comments section below, and the information will be reviewed and added to the guide. Run tests, crunch numbers, or do whatever you prefer to gather information.

Then, as you play the game, try to look into anything you come across that is not already in the guide. We’re back! If you would like to contribute to the creation of this guide, please read the entire guide first. If you find this guide extra helpful, please also consider giving it an award! These take many hours of work to put together, so I hope you can spare 3 seconds to give it a rating, because it really helps.