If the car drives through the pane of glass, but it's the car that shatters (instead of the glass), it's inverted (and a very shoddily-built car at that). If the car drives through the pane of glass backwards, or in any other weird way that a car should not be driving in, it's parodied. However, if the car drives into the pane of glass, and the result is that the glass merely has a car-shaped hole in it, but the pane of glass collapsed on itself, it's either played straight or a double subversion (And also breaking a downplay). It's also Impact Silhouette played straight.) If the car drives into the pane of glass, and the result is that the glass merely has a car-shaped hole in it, that's downplayed (and also Played for Laughs, but that's another matter. If the car hits the pane of glass, and the chasing car(s) regain their lost trail from the scattered pieces of glass, it's exploited (and also Played for Drama.). SUBVERT CITY LYRICS DRIVERS
However, if the chasing cars get flat tires driving over the glass shards strewn across the street, or if the drivers stop to see to the workers' injuries from the broken glass, it's reconstructed.If the car drives through the glass, and views are shown of damage sustained by the car either complicating the driveability of the vehicle and/or making the car more identifiable to the chasers, or the workers point out the direction of the car to the chasers as they drive by, it's deconstructed.If the car is not doomed to hit the pane of glass, but one of the workers sees the car coming and stops in the street such that the car drives into the pane of glass, it's invoked.If the car drives into the pane of glass, and not only the glass shatters, but also the car, as well as the workers, it's exaggerated.
If the car stops before hitting the pane of glass and then takes a different route, it's defied. If the car disappears from view and isn't seen again until after the sound of glass breaking, it's implied. If the car comes down the road in a series of wide turns, and it isn't clear if the car will hit the pane of glass (if it ever makes it there), it's zig-zagged. and the glass crumbles after it gets picked back up.
Another double subversion is if the car hits the glass and knocks it out of the workers' hands without damage to the glass or car. If the pane of glass is broken before being hit by the car, which then drives through a different pane of glass carried by a second pair of workers, it's also double subverted. If the car misses the pane of glass but a second car breaks it instead, it's a double subversion. If something else causes the glass to be broken before the car can even make it to where the glass pane broke, it's also subverted. If the car misses the pane of glass, it's subverted. SUBVERT CITY LYRICS DRIVER
If the car drives through the pane of glass, and the driver stops to explain the reason why he crashed into it, it's justified. If the car drives through the pane of glass, and the workers are heard complaining about why cars that are being chased can avoid nearly everything but a pane of glass, it's lampshaded.
If the car drives through the pane of glass, it's played straight. It seems pretty obvious that the driver is going to smash the glass sheet into a million fragments.
The camera cuts to some workers carrying a Sheet of Glass, then cuts back to the panicked driver headed towards the workers.
A full comparison could go something like this: A car chase is in progress at reckless speeds.